Sunday, September 26, 2010

Garage Living says: "Reduce your stress level – organize your garage this fall"

Media Release

For Immediate Release

Reduce your stress level – organize your garage this fall
Just one of the many benefits of organizing

September 27, 2010, TORONTO – In the fall, it’s common for stress levels to soar, as it is back to work and back to school—organizing your garage is one great way to reduce stress and redeem time.

Could you imagine what life would be like if you were asked to get something from the garage that you hadn’t used for months and you find it in mere seconds? Why that would be utopia, like a dream come true. But reality is vastly different. The average family dreads hearing the words “it’s in the garage,” because the average garage is in chaos. Typically, a garage is cluttered with toys, tools, junk, and stuff that are no longer wanted in the home, so they get tossed in the garage with no semblance of order.

“It’s a mess – help! With a family of five, we have a lot of kid’s toys strewn about all over our one-car garage and no room for the car,” is what one family wrote to Garage Living, Toronto’s leading garage organization and flooring company.

“Getting letters and comments like this are a common occurrence for us,” says Aaron Cash, founder of Garage Living. “We live in a fast-paced society where schedules allow for so little spare time and as a result, a cluttered garage can cause a family undue stress and can lead to some nasty arguments.”

Most Canadians are aware that long-term stress can help cause a variety of health problems, a list that includes high blood pressure and heart disease. While there may be some stress-related activities that can’t be avoided, removing those that can, such as organizing a garage, can aid substantially to a living a healthier life.

“People get stressed just looking at the mess in their garage and get overwhelmed thinking about what needs to be done,” says Aaron Cash. “But we change all that by taking away their stress, as we have teams that can remove the junk, de-clutter the zone and deliver, in just days, an organized garage that most people only dream about.”

The old adage, “a place for everything and everything in its place,” should be no different for the garage. After all, a tidy and organized garage is all about lifestyle and getting more enjoyment out of life.

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For further information or arrange an interview contact:

Peter Turkington
Strategic Communications Solutions
Direct Phone: 905.901.9218

Monday, September 6, 2010

Slowing down the aging process - Body Form Fitness has it all figured out

For Immediate Release

Slowing down the aging process
With expert coaching it can be as simple as exercising once a week

September 7, 2010, TORONTO - As Baby Boomers age, the dreaded days of increased health issues and joint aches edge closer-what most people don't realize is that they can slow the aging process down.

While aging plays a role in the overall degeneration of health, a more significant player is our sedentary lifestyle. Our bodies were not designed to sit eight hours at a desk and several hours on a couch each day. The accumulative impact of a lifestyle like this takes its toll on the human body, eventually leading to lethargy, acceleration of muscle and joint degeneration, and greater susceptibility to injury, pain, illness, and contraction of diseases.

The good news-it doesn't have to be that way-just a small change in lifestyle. With expert coaching it can be as simple as exercising once a week.

"It's no secret that exercise is an important component to a healthy life and longevity. What's misunderstood is that after years of inactivity, how much and what kind of exercise is best - what's really needed is a planned program that rebuilds muscle strength, restores healthy muscle ratios, and helps to prevent injury," says Joe Berill, a Post Rehabilitation Conditioning Specialist and Director of Body Form Fitness. "For most Baby Boomers, making exercise and strength building a weekly event is a lifestyle change, but the benefits of getting healthy and maintaining good health are huge."

Often overlooked, is how building muscle strength decreases joint pain while simultaneously heighten the immune system.

"The explanation for this is simple," says Joe Berill. "Proper exercise that builds muscle strength creates little tears in the muscle. Naturally, the body's immune system immediately goes to work to repair the muscle tears, and in doing, not only repairs the muscle, but builds the immune system-it even leads to weight loss."

Every now and then, after years of little physical activity, people will get the urge to exercise. Perhaps it's because they're frustrated by their continual weight gain, or they're under doctor's orders, or just wanting to get in shape, so they join a gym and for a short time and feverishly workout. Why a short time? Because most grow discouraged when they don't see results fast enough, or due to lack of knowledge or guidance, injure themselves.

"Our practice has shown that one-on-one coaching by an exercise specialist not only helps to prevent injury, it educates the patient and brings the necessary results to achieve their desired goals," says Joe. "No matter their age, it reinforces a lifestyle change that makes exercise an integral part of the ongoing process of building and maintaining a healthy body."


For further information or to arrange an interview contact:

Peter Turkington
Strategic Communications Solutions PR
Direct Phone: 905.901.9218