Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Filing Major Suit Against The Toronto Star Was Last Resort



July 25, 2007

Prayer Palace defends against Toronto Star allegations

July 25, 2007, TORONTO -- A few weeks ago, the Prayer Palace launched a major defamation claim against the Toronto Star. It is the final avenue available to the church in order to clear its name and restore its reputation.

“Whenever an organization like the Toronto Star prints an exposé such as they did, people assume it’s true,” says Marek Tufman, lawyer for The Prayer Palace. “My clients weren’t even asked to respond to the allegations of financial wrong doing before it went to print -- it’s like they’ve been considered guilty without a chance to prove their innocence. That’s why the church is proceeding with legal action.”

The Prayer Palace made numerous attempts at responding to the Star’s allegations. Throughout March and April eight media releases were issued by The Prayer Palace showing the Star’s allegations to be unsubstantiated and incorrect. An exclusive interview was even offered to the Toronto Star including representatives of the church Board, The Prayer Palace’s lawyer, Marek Tufman, and the independent firm that conducts annual audits of the church. They even invited the Star’s lawyer. However, the Star’s reporters walked out because the church wanted to video tape the meeting to ensure accuracy. It was even agreed that both parties would have a copy of the resulting tape.

“It’s difficult to imagine the extent of the damage this has caused to the church and the pastors’ reputations,” says Frank Fernandes, a member of The Prayer Palace board of directors. “In the past, it has never been Prayer Palace’s practice to launch a defamation suit, however in this case, we are left with no other alternative than to do just that -- our good reputation is worth protecting.”

The Prayer Palace’s board of directors is confident in the church’s records and believe imminent conclusion of Bruce Armstrong, Chartered Accountant (CA) and Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) will affirm their position.


Frank Fernandes (member of The Prayer Palace board of directors) and Marek Tufman (Prayer Palace lawyer) are available for interviews. To schedule an interview contact:

Peter Turkington
Strategic Communications Solutions
Direct Phone: 905.901.9218