Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Preschoolers can learn to read and do math – in just minutes a day



June 2, 2008

dEcode for Kids has proven to be simple and effective in teaching kids how to read and do math

June 2, 2008, TORONTO -- dEcode for Kids is a unique program that teaches children between the ages of 3 and 6, earlier is even better, successful literacy and numeracy skills ­ in just minutes a day.

What parent doesn’t want their child to learn early and give them a head start at reading and doing math before they enter kindergarten? Generally speaking, when it comes to teaching their children how to read, parents don’t lack desire but more often it’s the lack of the tools and the time to do it. dEcode for Kids solves both these problems.

"In dEcode for Kids, both the reading and math programs are designed for maximum efficiency which is so important for children at this age whose primary job is to play!" says Leslie Grant (M.Ed.), Director of The Lawrence Park School in North Toronto, which uses the dEcode for Kids programs. "Ten minutes a day is more than enough, and the children really enjoy both the books and the CD programs."

Just about every level of society, inclusive of governments, municipalities, school boards, teachers and parents are recognizing the importance of starting the process of reading and doing math in the preschool years of a child’s life.

Teaching a child to read is considered the key to building self-confidence and instilling the necessary skills to succeed in school and life, according to the Ontario Ministry of Education.

dEcode for Kids is an effective program for teaching pre-kindergarten children how to read, because dEcode for Kids was founded on the same principles as ABC dEcode and 123 dEcode. Both ABC and 123 dEcode were developed through over thirty years of clinical practice with kids and adults struggling with dyslexia, Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD), Learning Disabilities (LDs), and low literacy. These programs have proven to be successful 100 per cent of the time where the student follows the recommended course. The difference is that the full dEcode system, provides more in-depth drilling practice to overcome specific sorts of problems which for most children are not necessary.

With over thirty years of clinical practice, working with hundreds of young children between the ages of three and six, Dr. Debby Chesnie Cooper recognized a need for the very young to have an enticing way to learn about sounds and numbers. The dEcode for Kids curriculum delivers a solid learning foundation in reading for pre-school children and gives them an accelerated head-start in learning to read.

"dEcode for Kids is different than any other program as it is the only reading program that starts at the very beginning ­ with the auditory coding of single sounds," says Dr. Debby Chesnie Cooper, Developmental and Educational Psychologist and Director of The Chesnie Cooper Educational Centre*, leaders in child and educational psychology. "Other reading programs skip too quickly over the early stages of phonetic decoding­ only dEcode for Kids takes all the steps required to truly learn to decode. The dEcode for Kids program, with its careful early attention to auditory coding can even overcome certain mild LDs which may then never manifest in the future for the young learner."


For further information contact:

Peter Turkington
Strategic Communications Solutions
Direct Phone: 905.901.9218