September 20, 2007
Parmasters Golf Centers use state-of-the-art golf simulators
September 20, 2007, TORONTO - Commercial and air force pilots have been using flight simulators for years. Considering the advances in technology over the last 20 years, it isn’t difficult to imagine how golf simulators of today can make a round of virtual golf feel realistic.
Gone are the days of a projector casting boring 2D images up against the back of a screen – think IMAX 3D. Think virtual reality.
Parmasters Golf Centers have gone hi-tech, using AboutGolf’s state of the art technology. Their simulated courses use graphics with greater resolution and detail that are so real that clouds move, flags blow the direction and intensity of the wind, and even tee signs can be read.
AboutGolf's Sim Sensor applies patented 3D phased-array microwave technology that operates at 7,000 cycles per second, providing an amazingly accurate view of the ball’s flight and the club head. Collisions with tree trunks, leaves, and branches are just as in real life. A player can even hit a ball into the cup-holder of a golf cart.
Hi-tech simulators offer a number of advantages: avid golfers can play year round, night or day and in any kind of weather conditions. Golfers can now play some of the finest golf courses in the world (Pebble Beach, Spy Glass Hill, Teeth of the Dog, and any number of Nicklaus Design’s courses) without ever leaving their city.
Parmasters is America’s leading indoor golf training centre and is currently establishing itself in the Canadian market. Canada’s first Parmasters centre opens in early 2008 and will be followed by another 12 golf training centers and 20 Links Golf Cafes in the spring. Over 30 franchises have already been awarded in Canada, leaving only opportunities in Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec, to be sold. Visit for franchising opportunities and details.
“In order to accurately replicate the game of golf indoors there must be intricate technology and focused technologists with a thirst for continual improvement,” says Andre Ferris, Canadian Regional Franchisor of Parmasters Golf Training Centers. “Parmasters exclusive golf simulator, AboutGolf, is the collaboration of two influential golf technology companies who are re-writing the standards for indoor golf on a daily basis.”
One of the features of the simulators is the data tracing capabilities. DataTrac enables users to log in at the beginning of each simulator session and have all their activity tracked and ported to their personal web site. Users can visit their site to analyze stats, review practice data, get instructional tips based on their practice sessions, and replay their best shots.
“Parmasters Golf Centers make learning and practicing golf fun,” says Stephen Southern, President, Parmasters Southern Ontario, “Using the DataTrac system, members can even compete with other members of other Parmasters’ centres. There are even longest ball and closest to the pin competitions. Innovation like this makes owning a Parmasters franchise so exciting.”
A Parmasters Golf Training Center is “the ultimate golf training and practice facility” offering a climate-controlled, indoor golfers haven. It is a golf training center designed to help improve a golfer’s game.
For further information contact:
Peter Turkington
Strategic Communications Solutions
Public Relations Specialists
Direct Phone: 905.901.9218
Peter Turkington
Strategic Communications Solutions
Public Relations Specialists
Direct Phone: 905.901.9218