Sunday, April 20, 2008

SupperWorks gives post secondary students have healthy meal choices



January 2, 2008

Return to school with more than just suitcases full – more time for studies

January 2, 2008, OAKVILLE - It's an accepted fact that nutritious meals have tremendous health benefits. However, common complaints such as time and affordability often prevent people from developing healthy eating habits. University and college students are no exception.

"In University it's always busy, so healthy meal choices aren't always an option," says Harmony, a third year student at Ottawa University. "Lack of time and a tight budget led to quick-food choices; macaroni, hotdogs, pizza, and fast-food restaurants."

For several years, SupperWorks, Canada's premiere meal prep business, has been helping students deal with these very issues - saving time and providing nutritious, cost-effective meals.

"For me, not eating properly resulted in weight gain, a sluggish feeling and tiredness," says Harmony.

These effects are consistent with a 2004 pediatric study about the Effects of Fast-Food Consumption on Energy Intake and Diet Quality Among Children. It showed that those who eat fast food regularly could gain up to 6 pounds per year over a 15-year period.

"For less than five dollars per entree, and two hours prep time, families can pack their students over a month's supply of healthy, nutritious meals to take back to school," says Joni Lien, Co-founder of SupperWorks. "It's simple and inexpensive - SupperWorks does all the prep, clean up and menu selection, allowing you to prepare 12 full-sized entrees each serving 4-6 people."

In a student's busy world, the less time it takes to prepare meals, the more time there is available for study. Nutritious meals play an important part in academic performance - resulting in a healthier body and mind.

"It's a great way to send students back to school after the winter break," says Joni Lien. "Just pack them a month's supply of our nutritious entrees, frozen to preserve their goodness and ready to stick in the oven at a moments notice."


For further information or interviews contact:

Peter Turkington / Strategic Communications Solutions / ON BEHALF OF SUPPERWORKS / Direct Phone: 905.901.9218 / Email: